Marco Polo

Frat Boy x LNHM Pipefitter

Hereford | Bred by Bombei and Sons, IA Owned with Bombei and Sons, IA
Registration # | EN

$125 Per Dose List Price

After we had to retire Frat Boy we called his breeder and asked what they had in the boar pens on feed, Matt told me about a pair of Frat Boy sons that may build on their daddy's resume'. I jumped in the truck and picked up what the kids have named Marco Polo since he would play games with them in the showbarn daily.

MP front 2/3 is built so well in terms of huge bladed, correct flex at his knee, strong toed, barrel chested and the Pipefitter shape we all have grown fond of. Soundness is great, with the skeletal width to produce great Hereford Hogs at all levels.